The circular economy is praised as a practical solution to the planets dwindling resource problem. Reserves of key resources such as minerals and rare metals are diminishing, whilst material extraction and exploration costs are rising. […]
Offshore Windfarms Could Provide More Energy Than the Planet Needs
A thorough study of the planet’s coastlines has found that offshore windfarms could provide more electricity than the world needs alone – even if they are only built in shallower waters near the shore and […]
Saving the Planet with Zero Carbon Buildings
Living in a home that was not only affordable to rent or buy, stayed warm in winter and cool in summer, doesn’t contribute towards global warming through its cooling or heating and has no energy […]
Planning for the Future with the New Environment Bill
As we face the decline of our natural environment, data shows that tackling climate change, air quality, biodiversity loss and plastic pollution needs to be a priority. As public concern for the environment and climate […]
Yorkshire Coast to Become Home to the World’s Largest Wind Turbines
By the early 2020s, Dogger Bank in the North Sea will be home to the largest offshore wind turbines ever built. Using blades more than 100 metres long, each of the new mega-turbines will reach […]
How Rewilding can Help Restore our Declining Ecosystems
Rewilding Britain published Rewilding & climate breakdown: How restoring nature can decarbonise the UK, earlier this year – a report that outlined the potential of the UK’s “climate breakdown-busting habitats”. These include woodland, which absorbs […]
Green Space Positively Influences Mental Wellbeing
New research suggests that living within 300m of urban green space is associated with a greater sense of worth, life satisfaction and happiness. Research conducted by Newcastle University, the University of Warwick and the University […]
Reducing the Effects of Climate Change With Better Land Management
As the Earth’s temperature steadily increases the risk of soil erosion, wildfires and drought is increasing, permafrost at both poles is thawing and crop yields in the tropics is diminishing, shows the latest Intergovernmental Panel […]
10 Positive Things Your Business can do to Reduce its Impact on Climate Change
We know to reuse and recycle our plastics at home. We know to not leave the tap running when we brush our teeth. We know that we should cycle, walk or take the bus to […]
RTPI North East Commits to “Resource Planning for Climate Action” Campaign
Many of the RTPI’s English regions have supported the national call to give more powers and resources to planning authorities to tackle the issues surrounding climate change. The campaign – “Resource Planning for Climate Action” […]
RTPI Report Finds Planning and Net Zero-Carbon Future Out-of-Sync
A new report published by the Royal Town Planning Institute has found that the planning system needs to change to establish a successful transition to a net zero-carbon future. “Nothing should be planned without demonstrating […]
Growing Upwards with Green Walls
Developers often find it difficult to balance the safe and practical solutions to landscaping, access routes and groundworks with sustaining ecological balance, especially when the footprint area of a development needs to be considered. With […]