The package of measures announced today by Decentralisation Minister Greg Clark includes proposals to make it easier to re-use existing agricultural, retail and commercial buildings, such as offices and warehouses, without the need to submit a […]
“Surprise increase in planning fees!”
In a written statement issued this afternoon, Decentralisation minister Greg Clark said that planning application fees have not been increased since 2008. He said that the government is proposing a “one-off adjustment to up-rate fees in line with inflation, […]
Towards Zero Carbon?
The Code for Sustainable Homes looks to be the latest government policy that’s about to get the ‘localism’ makeover. It’s understood that a ministerial statement to be issued before the recess will point towards local […]
“Calling all self-builders”
Planning permission is being sought for 22 self build plots on a 1.9 ha derelict former covered reservoir site close to Annfield Plain in County Durham. With new house building completions at an all- time […]
“Development opportunities”
Landowners and developers with vacant buildings and brownfield land should be encouraged by the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) made this year. The Coalition Government is pressing local planning authorities to be […]
“Public lighting strategies”
LED’s (Light emitting diodes) are being promoted by manufacturers as the panacea to all our lighting needs and to reducing costs and carbon emissions from public lighting. Senior partner Allen Creedy recently chaired an EU […]
“Finance for Energy Efficiency”
The most economically and environmentally effective response to austerity and the recession we are experiencing is to invest in energy efficiency. Yes – invest. Here in the UK, like most other countries we are subsidising fossil fuels in […]
“Sustainable lighting”
This week is the European Union’s “Sustainable Energy Week” with technical demonstrations and briefings and importantly some new EU wide policy announcements; Allen Creedy will be moderating the LED workshop in Brussels that will report on existing urban lighting best practices […]
“Supporting Shop Parades”
ethical partnership is a member of the federation of small businesses (fsb)and are concerned to ensure that our colleagues in the retail sector are supported wherever possible – we’ll advice on planning issues as well! […]
“Getting our share of EU funds”
The European Commission has adopted a draft legislative package which will frame cohesion policy for 2014-2020. The new proposals are designed to reinforce the strategic dimension of the policy and to ensure that EU investment […]
“Cutting the red tape of planning?”
Since the government published its long awaited and controversial National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 27 March, we have a “presumption in favour of sustainable development”. Greg Clark says in his introduction to the document, […]