EP successfully prepared, collated and submitted a planning application for a biomass headquarter offices together with associated engineering operations, services, landscaping, and car parking.
The location of the head office whilst characterised by industrial land uses, was recognised as a sensitive habitat site. The site and wider area were known to have had a long potentially contaminative history which EP were able to navigate with the Environment Agency and environmental consultants to deliver this successful scheme.
Although the site was primarily characterised by industrial land use, it was identified as a sensitive habitat site. The site and surrounding area also had a long history of contamination, which EP successfully managed and navigated in collaboration with the Environment Agency and environmental consultants, contributing to the delivery of the successful scheme.
Alongside this, EP worked with the client to bring forward a planning application for hardstanding for open storage for biomass materials on the industrial land. Extensive pre-application discussions were held with local authority officers including Environmental Advisory Service, who outlined the information required as part of the application.