Our government wants to make drastic changes to the way we live our lives. This will hopefully improve the UK’s air and water quality and protect our many threatened plants, trees and wildlife species. This environment plan sets out the goals for improving the environment within a generation and leaving it in a better state than it is found. Part of this plan includes Biodiversity Net Gain, which you can read about here. Within this article we will highlight some of the major parts of the plan and how Ethical Partnership will work towards the goals set in place.

Together we will aim to achieve a growing and resilient network of land, water and sea that is richer in plants and wildlife.
On land and in freshwaters, the aim is to be:
- Restoring 75% of our one million hectares of terrestrial and freshwater protected sites to favourable condition.
- Creating or restoring 500,000 hectares of wildlife-rich habitat outside the protected site network.
- Taking action to recover threatened, iconic or economically important species of animals, plants and fungi, and where possible to prevent human induced extinction.
- Increasing woodland in England in line with the aspiration of 12% cover by 2060: this would involve planting 180,000 hectares by end of 2042.

There will be an overall minimisation in waste by reusing materials as much as we can, as well as managing materials at the end of their life to minimise the impact on the environment. This will be achieved by:
- Working towards the ambition of zero avoidable waste by 2050.
- Working to a target of eliminating avoidable plastic waste by end of 2042.
- Meeting all existing waste targets – including those on landfill, reuse and recycling – and developing new future targets and milestones.
- Seeking to eliminate waste crime and illegal waste sites over the lifetime of the 25 Year Plan, prioritising those of highest risk.
- Significantly reducing, and where possible, preventing all kinds of marine plastic pollution – in particular material that originated on land.
Ethical Partnership are focused on the reduction of waste, especially that which originates from businesses. We are working as part of the ‘Right Waste Right Place‘ campaign to offer auditing and training to help ensure your full legal compliance with waste management. In everything that we do, we seek to protect and conserve the natural environment and finite resources of the planet which aligns strongly with this campaign. You can read more about the Right Waste Right Place campaign here. You can also watch our video highlighting the campaign and how we can help with waste management compliance.

We will work towards what is outlined in the plan by striving to conserve and enhance the beauty of our natural environment, and make sure it can be enjoyed, cared for and used by everyone. We will do this by:
- Working to safeguard and enhance the beauty of our natural scenery and improving its environmental value while being sensitive to considerations of its heritage.
- Work towards creating and conserving the high quality and accessible natural spaces close to where people live and work, particularly in urban areas, and encourage people to spend more time in them.
- Focus on increasing action and awareness of the environment from all those in our society, and on all the projects that we undertake.
Many of the services that we offer help our clients protect and conserve local and global environmental resources. We have been successful in securing standard and bespoke environmental permits and have an excellent working relationship with the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency . We are constantly striving to work to our values and ensure that the natural environment is protected for generations to come.

With such as vast range of experience, no planning consultancy is better suited to the 25 Year Environment Plan as we are. Contact us today so we can work out how to best help you achieve your planning goals and together protect the environment for future generations.
You can follow us on Twitter @Ethical_Partner or visit us on LinkedIn.