How Can EP Help if Your Planning Application is Refused?

At Ethical Planning (EP), we understand how disheartening it can be to receive a refusal for your planning application. A recent project we had demonstrates how we can help turn a refusal into an approval. Our client had their application to convert an integrated garage into a downstairs bedroom refused due to concerns about parking issues in the area.

Our team, led by Alannah, prepared a comprehensive appeal on our client’s behalf. We drafted a detailed Statement of Case, directly addressing the council’s concerns. We gathered photographic evidence showing that parking was not a problem at representative times of the day, countering the council’s reasoning effectively. Additionally, we highlighted the accessibility of the property by public transport and referred to relevant language in the existing Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). This all contributed to a successful appeal!

As Alannah mentioned, “I am pleased that we have secured a positive appeal decision for our client, following another similar decision last year, and hope we can continue to deliver positive outcomes for clients in the future.”

This case highlights the importance of clearly setting out and evidencing the logic behind planning decisions. At EP, we have a strong history of successfully challenging planning refusals by providing well-supported appeals. Our client-focused approach ensures that our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, offering you the best possible chance of overturning a refusal.

If your planning application has been refused, contact us to explore how we can help you navigate the appeals process and achieve a positive outcome. Our expertise and dedication are here to support you every step of the way.

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