North Yorkshire Council Launches Call for Sites

A Call for Sites has been launched by North Yorkshire Council, providing an early opportunity for individuals, landowners and developers to suggest sites they own to be considered for inclusion in the North Yorkshire Local Plan. When formed and adopted, the Local Plan will be a key factor in guiding decisions about where new housing, infrastructure and other building can take place within the county.  

Sites can be put forward for any use or designation and this can include, but is not limited to, housing, employment and commercial development, retail and leisure, renewable energy generation and biodiversity or other environmental enhancement schemes.  

If you own land in North Yorkshire, we can advise you on its potential suitability and guide you through the process of submitting your sites to the council. North Yorkshire Council are encouraging sites to be submitted by the end of June 2024. 

The call for sites process is separate to the planning application process. The submission of a site for consideration does not necessarily mean that the site will be taken forward. It is often the case that more sites will be submitted at this stage than are needed to meet the future needs of the area. 

Sites submitted for consideration at this stage of local plan preparation will be assessed for their suitability for development or other designations. In total, this process will take several years to complete, including an independent examination of the plan and all of the proposed sites by an appointed planning inspector. The current aim of North Yorkshire Council is to seek adoption of the plan in late 2028. 

“The call for sites is a crucial part of the process in how decisions are made about how an area will change or stay the same over the course of a generation. We have supported many landowners by advising them and making representations on their behalf to various local planning authorities – and helping to guide expectations on timescales and potential for success with clear and honest advice. Whilst this process will not give you permission to develop your land, it can be a strategic way to help realise its full potential value to you, local communities and the environment by designating it for a future use.”  Jo Rogers, Senior Chartered Planner

Whilst plans for the local area and for land use are still in the early stages, it is important that you are supported throughout all consultations and stages. If you own land within North Yorkshire and would like it to be considered by North Yorkshire Council, contact us and we will work to help realise its potential.  

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